Problems Breathing With a Face Mask
Last week, I left my house for the first time to go to the hospital to get Spinraza. It was long overdue, and the extreme weakness I’ve been feeling has let me know it.
Anyway, because it was the first time leaving my house, it was also the first time I’ve worn a face mask.
Long story short, I couldn’t breathe with it on and nearly fainted by the time I got up to day surgery. I was rushed into a room without checking in. My O2 was 89, heart rate in the 140’s, had nausea, tremors, lightheadedness… and so on.
Is anyone here unable to wear a mask for the same reasons? I don’t know if it’s because my body is so weak right now or if this is always going to be a problem. I tried wearing one on my way out that day, and it happened again.
Needless to say, I’m at a loss on what to do in the future. I wasn’t planning on throwing myself into crowded spaces anytime soon, but I was hoping to do some things outdoors this summer (beaches, parks, etc.) while practicing social distancing and wearing a mask.
And, right now, it’s kind of bumming me out.
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