Spinraza During COVID
Last week I had my Spinraza injection. Going into it I wasn’t sure what to expect since virtually everything seems to be shut down at the moment. My clinic deems Spinraza essential, so I figured I’d go for it. Wearing my homemade mask the transportation van arrived. The driver, not wearing a mask, strapped down my chair. I could smell he was a smoker, so pretty sure homemade masks are next to worthless.
Since traffic was super light, we arrived early. We had to go in through a different door than usual and answer the COVID screening questions. They were hesitant to let my Mom/caregiver come with me, but after a phone call they allowed it. The elevator ride to get labs drawn probably was the most uncomfortable, but everyone stayed in their respective corners and were wearing masks. It was weird hollering my name and birth date to the receptionist behind the plexiglas 6 ft away. No chairs in the waiting room. Thankfully they took us back right away. I requested the technician that’s good at finding my blood. She got it the first try!
Everything else was pretty much the same. Got the zinger down to my toe for a brief second when they got close. Otherwise virtually pain free. Good to go for another 4 months.
Have you been able to get your injections? I’ve heard some places require a negative COVID test prior to injection. Have you needed to do this?
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