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  • What do you use to combat dry skin?

    Posted by alyssa-silva on October 30, 2023 at 9:51 am

    Ever since becoming tube-fed, I’ve developed the driest alligator skin. And it’s only about to get worse with the dryness of winter coming. I’m curious if anyone else who uses a feeding tube has experienced this. Is it the formula I’m getting? Is something missing from my diet? 

    More importantly, what do you use to combat dry skin? If you don’t use a feeding tube, I’d still love to know!

    susana-m replied 2 days, 5 hours ago 4 Members · 10 Replies
  • 10 Replies
  • deann-r

    October 31, 2023 at 9:35 pm

    Can’t say if the tube has anything to do with it because my skin has always been dreadful. I’m already dealing with “winter skin” and it’s only October. Okay November in a few hours. Do you get plenty of water? For me I think extra hydration would be helpful, but I don’t have an SPC or anything. Pee math doesn’t equate with extra h2o.

    Have you tried face masks? I do find them soothing. My favorite is the Peter Thomas Roth Cucumber Mask. Of course it’s a little pricey. I had a free sample and my skin loved it, so I bought a tub on Prime Day. The downfall is you have to rinse it off but it comes off easily with a damp wash cloth. Haven’t found a moisturizer that I love.

  • alyssa-silva

    November 1, 2023 at 9:23 am

    I think I’m getting enough water. I’m definitely getting more hydration than before when I didn’t have my tube. I was always dehydrated back then but didn’t have the skin issue.

    I have a face mask that makes my skin pretty happy. But the next day I’m back to my alligator ways. My arms are bad too, so I’m in search of a good moisturizer. I’m also questioning my diet too.

  • tammy

    December 12, 2023 at 4:37 pm

    Try getting some aloe juice. Like the real deal pure organic kind. I get mine off Amazon. I’m sure you could put it right in your feeding tube. I don’t have a feeding tube but my skin does also get dry as hell. And I’m also not able to shower as well as non-disabled people can so I think that’s also part of my problem. Certain spots are harder to reach in the shower chair for the caregivers.

    • alyssa-silva

      December 13, 2023 at 8:58 pm

      Omg aloe juice! I used to drink that years ago. There was some health benefit from it that I was amped about, but now I don’t remember what it was haha. But you just reminded me I used to drink it. I might try it again. My tube clogs so easily so I’ll have to drink it by mouth. Does it taste good? I don’t remember.

  • tammy

    July 11, 2024 at 6:56 pm

    Sorry I just saw this, I have not been on here in quite some time. It doesn’t taste bad at all! I mix it with a little bit of pineapple juice because I get the plane all natural unflavored aloe juice

    • alyssa-silva

      July 12, 2024 at 4:11 pm

      No worries! I completely forgot we discussed aloe juice, so I never tried it. However, I did just see a segment on the Today Show about how grapeseed oil is great for boosting your fatty acids. Mine are low, and I think that’s why my skin is so dry. So I’m going to try it. Wish me luck. 😬

  • tammy

    July 15, 2024 at 12:29 pm

    Oh yes, let us know how that goes for you! I’ll definitely try it if it works

  • susana-m

    July 23, 2024 at 5:04 pm

    I ❤️ aloe juice from the grocery store. Some people don’t like the flavor, but I don’t mind, I would mix it with cranberry juice. I’m also a big fan of natural aloe vera. It’s a pain to cut the leaves, scrape out the gel and chop it up but it does help tissue repair. You can put the bits in the blender if you’re concerned about the texture.

    I’ve been using CeraVe after my shower and I love it. Soaks in, doesn’t leave a residue and leaves my skin very soft. Once a month (or more if I have a lot of inflammation or gator skin) I’ll combine it with Epson salt, scrub and just sit in the shower for a bit. My skin is soft and this addresses inflammation.

    One thing about aloe vera is that you can’t eat it (drink it?) every day. You can alternate 1 week on & 2 weeks off., it can damage your eyes if it’s an ongoing part of your protocol

    • alyssa-silva

      July 24, 2024 at 9:45 am

      Good idea to mix it with something else! I didn’t realize you can’t drink it all the time either. I think my eyesight has gotten a little worse as I age, so that’s good to know.

      CeraVe is probably my favorite lotion! So you’re saying you mix it with Epsom salts to make it like an exfoliator? I will have to try this, so I just wanted to clarify.

  • susana-m

    July 24, 2024 at 5:58 pm

    I believe it’s less of a problem with store-bought aloe juice than just off the leaf. The warning is an old wives tale, no modern data to back it up but those women were pretty observant

    Yeah, I pour the Epson salt into a small bowl. (I like the salt with coconut oil but you might prefer plain or with lavender) I usually use the same bowl so I can eyeball the amount. Then I add lotion until I get to a texture that I like.

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