Five Servings of Strength- a column by Michael Casten

conferences, musical talents, dogs Michael is married and a father of three, one being a child with SMA Type II (born in June, 2011). He is an educator who has worked directly with children and their families since 1994. He loves his family, writing, working with his hands, and taking road trips. Michael holds a bachelor’s in psychology (1994) and a master’s in education (2001).

Ella Awaits the Results of a Singing Audition

Ella has been singing with the Young Naperville Singers (YNS) for a few months now. Her singing voice continues to improve as she gains confidence. She sings around the house, while getting dressed, and in the shower.  The kids at YNS have been practicing…

Casten Kids Make the Most of a Cold Halloween

The winds howled and the blustery snow started falling early in the day. It was an unusual sight for the last day of October — Halloween. The city was quickly covered in a blanket of wet snow. Driving became slow and methodical, motorists keeping their distance from the…

Spending Time with Our Children Comes First

There are three Casten kids: Ava (12), Henry (11), and Ella (9). They each need our attention, and will ask for it periodically. Our life is quite crazy. Lindsay is still recovering from the amputation of her lower right leg and is facing a complete…

Ella Takes Another Trip to the Emergency Room

We rolled up to the emergency room for the second time this month. The first time, Ella had broken her left foot. Now we were there for the other foot. This particular afternoon, Ella had been playing with her brother, Henry, and his friends. She…

Ella Discovers a New Talent for Songwriting

Music helps us to express our feelings, dreams, and aspirations. Ella has been to several Young Naperville Singers rehearsals and is loving it more and more. She can’t wait to get there and doesn’t want to leave when the session is over. One evening, my…

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