Does your feeding tube have ENFit connectors?
I recently got a new NJ tube that had the new ENFit connectors. Don’t even get me started on how unprepared I was for it. I wasn’t told anything about it, so I didn’t have any syringes to administer meds. Thankfully, the hospital sent me home with a short supply but even they said they were blindsided by this transition.
That was the least of my concerns, though. A couple of days later, the port that’s connected to the bag was stuck onto my NJ tube. I’m guessing the formula hardened and caused it? I don’t know, but no one could unscrew it for anything.
We tried soaking it with hot water, banging it with a wooden spoon, and a blow dryer to hopefully melt the plastic, and nothing worked. Finally, after 2.5 hours, pliers did the trick and got it open, but man… this shouldn’t be happening.
Does your feeding tube have ENFit connectors, and has it ever gotten stuck like that? How did you get it unstuck?
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