Foot Problems
For someone who never uses their feet, mine sure can be bothersome. I know sensitive feet can be an issue for many of us. When I was a kid I hated wearing my braces because my toes would get pinched when shoes would go on. In Jr. High I had a pressure sore on my heel. That was caused by poor shoe choice on my part. As I got older I’ve had issues with ingrown nails. Another big problem for me has been cold feet. Most recently though I’ve been bothered by sock knots. Sounds like a strange issue, but when you’ve had a sock knot pressing on your toes for several hours it can be painful. I try to find socks that are seamless, but that’s not always possible. I’ve found turning my socks inside out helps. Any other tips? Do you guys have foot issues? Any good solutions I should know about?
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