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  • Random vaccination thoughts

    Posted by tammy on October 27, 2021 at 9:40 pm

    So I have a weird question. Well not really a question, more like a topic to bring up. Something I’ve always thought about and could never really find any definitive answers. So being that our muscles are atrophied, I wonder if sometimes it’s possible that injections do not make it into our muscles. Like if the person doesn’t go in deep enough or whatever needs to be done with an atrophied muscle. Maybe you don’t need to go in deep, I don’t know. I went for my covid booster tonight and I mentioned to the girl not to go too high up on my shoulder because my muscle is more atrophied there. I usually always ask people to go just a little bit below that. Because my arm is a lot meatier there. So she goes oh ok thank you for telling me that, & just so you know I’m not even going to put the needle in all the way. I’ll probably put it just halfway or even a quarter of the way. And I said to her… wouldn’t it be better to put it in all the way if my muscles are smaller? And she goes, if I put it in all the way there’s more chance of hitting the bone. So I just said ok whatever because I didn’t want to sound like I was telling her how to do her job. Now I’m questioning her method because I asked a nurse friend about that and she said she should have put the needle in all the way. And I don’t really understand why she was so afraid of hitting the bone anyway because my upper arms are actually pretty big. My mom laughs all the time that my upper arms are bigger than hers. I am not boney there at all so I don’t know why she was so concerned about my bone. Now in my head I’m like oh great, did I just waste my time getting a vaccine that will be completely ineffective. I feel nothing in my arm yet. No discomfort or anything. Have any of you guys questioned this as well? Or am I just obsessing LOL

    adam replied 2 years, 7 months ago 5 Members · 15 Replies
  • 15 Replies
  • kelly-miller

    October 27, 2021 at 11:06 pm

    I don’t know the answer, but to me the explanation the girl gave you makes sense. If you’ve lost muscle mass due to atrophy, it would be easier to hit the bone. And let me say if you’ve never had the bone hit, it hurts like crap! I wouldn’t worry about the shot not being effective. I think whether they pushed the needle all the way or part of the way, you’re going to be protected; but if you are really concerned, give whichever of your Drs that you trust the most a call and ask them.

    Now I’m curious … did you tell the girl the same spot you always tell people or did you change the spot just for the booster (I assume it was the booster, maybe it was the initial vaccine, I don’t know)? If you changed the spot, I hope you don’t mind me asking, why? Sorry, I tend to ramble when I’ve sat up late watching baseball!

    • tammy

      October 28, 2021 at 2:17 pm

      Yeah I told her the same spot that I always do. And yes it was my booster. I’ve never in my life had anyone say they were not going to insert the needle all the way. And they certainly did not do that the first two shots. Although the first two were given by nurses and the booster was given by a pharmacist at a CVS. As I mentioned, my upper arms are not at all boney. They are pretty big and thick so I’m not really understanding why she was so concerned about hitting the bone. I just assumed in my own mind the smaller your muscle mass the deeper they would have to go in? Maybe I’m Wrong

  • deann-r

    October 28, 2021 at 8:26 am

    Eons ago I remember asking a nurse about the muscle thing. From her response I gathered muscle absorption isn’t critical to vaccine effectiveness as long as it’s getting into your system. I forgot her answer as to why they inject into muscle then. At the time it made sense so I went with it. You could probably look into it further if it continues to weigh on your mind. I wouldn’t worry about it too much though. I always hate when they’re so quick about it they pull out the needle too soon and there’s a drip on the needle. I’m like, “Hey I wanted that.” Oh well, at least I got the majority of it.

    • tammy

      October 28, 2021 at 2:19 pm

      LMAO hey I need that last drip! You wasted it! Hahaha. But yeah I’m just not understanding her method as nobody else has done this to me. And I do have a red area around it today which concerns me that it was injected into my skin rather than the muscle. As I mentioned above I don’t have skinny and boney arms. My upper arms are pretty thick and big. I am actually seeing my PCP tomorrow for a new wheelchair so I will ask her and see what she says

  • alyssa-silva

    October 28, 2021 at 12:09 pm

    I’ve never really thought about this to tell you the truth. I’ve always just sort of trusted my body to do its thing once the vaccine enters it. DeAnn’s explanation makes sense though.

    As far as hitting the bone goes… that worries me! Simply because I am basically skin and bones. I’ve had pharmacists tell me upfront they’re afraid to give me shots as they’re about to stab me. Probably not the best thing to say to your patients but what do I know! Going for my flu shot today— hopefully all goes well.

    • tammy

      October 28, 2021 at 2:23 pm

      Good luck with your flu shot! I have not gotten mine yet. See I am the total opposite in my upper arms and I am not at all skin and bones there. My wrists are pretty skinny but my upper arms are very thick and a little body if I’m trying to describe it properly LOL. As I mentioned above they are bigger than my mom’s upper arms. And she has no disability. So I just don’t understand why this pharmacist would have done that. In my own mind I think she should have done the opposite but what the hell do I know LOL. I’m going to ask my doctor tomorrow. I’m especially concerned because I literally have no symptoms today other than my arm just being a little sore around the area. There is a redness in that spot also which makes me question whether or not it was put in deep enough

  • tammy

    October 28, 2021 at 9:49 pm

    So I’ve officially answered my own questions and wanted to report back LOL. Here I am with a 100.7 fever, chills and body aches LOL. So I guess it was effective hahaha. Honestly I don’t even care, I can take it. I’m just glad it was done correctly

    • alyssa-silva

      October 29, 2021 at 10:07 pm

      I bet you’ve never been more excited/relieved to have a fever ???? hope you’re feeling better today, Tammy!

      • tammy

        October 30, 2021 at 8:14 pm

        Hahaha i know right?!

      • tammy

        October 30, 2021 at 8:17 pm

        And yeah, I was all better by the next day. Honestly even just later on that night a few hours after I posted, the fever started to break

  • adam

    October 30, 2021 at 3:38 am

    I told my needle giver “I’m gonna look over here & continue rambling & you just stick me without any warn-” and she says “all done!”

    I have an irrational phobia of needles. Anyone describing how far its going in etc. would have to chase me down the street! I had 3 beers, some weed & meditated before they got here to calm the nerves lol

    • tammy

      October 30, 2021 at 8:16 pm

      LMAO that’s hilarious! I don’t really care about needles much. I mean obviously I don’t like it but it’s more the liquid that freaks me out because sometimes it burns LOL. I just never heard anyone in my entire life giving me a shot say they were only going to inject it halfway

      • adam

        November 4, 2021 at 6:59 am

        I headbutted my family doctor when I was like 8 in an attempt to stop him taking a blood test while my mum & grandfather held me down. My veins have always been hard to hit too so never was a quick or easy process. They’d make me push my manual chair around the car park for ages beforehand to try get the veins pumped up & easier to find.

        Jab in the flesh of my arm doesn’t bother me like the idea of a needle piercing into my veins though.

        Only about 10 days left to psych myself out for the 2nd shot lol

      • tammy

        December 7, 2021 at 8:38 pm

        Hahaha! How’d it go?

      • adam

        December 10, 2021 at 7:59 am

        They showed up 2hrs early because the vax was gonna reach it’s “too long outta deep freeze” or something. I was in bed still.

        2nd shot knocked me round a bit for 24hrs. Worth it but, now I get awesome 5G and Bill Gates talks to me in my sleep.

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