Torn Between Spinraza and Risdiplam
I thought I had it figured out.
I’ve gone back and forth for quite some time now on whether to make the switch to risdiplam once it has been approved. After much consideration, I figured I’d stay with Spinraza and see how risdiplam plays out in other adults before diving in myself.
There are many reasons for this, but in a nutshell: Spinraza hasn’t had any detrimental effects on my body so I wouldn’t want to rock the boat. Also, I was the first adult to get Spinraza in 2016, and the constant fear of the unknown as far as what would happen (good or bad) was a lot for me. I’d rather let others take the lead with risdiplam.
However, I spoke with my neurologist at length yesterday, and now I’m torn. He explained how the drugs vary in that one goes into the spinal cord and another into the bloodstream. This I knew. But going into the bloodstream could create potential benefits that Spinraza may not have. This is what struck me.
I have a few months to think about it, but I have a feeling this is going to monopolize my brain in the interim. I obviously want to do what’s best for my body, so I fear I’m going to make the wrong decision.
No drug is perfect, that I know. It’s just a question of which drug would benefit me the most.
Have you asked yourself this question? Do you have an idea of which direction you’re heading in?
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