
Looking for Silver Linings in SMA

SMA is obviously a chiefly negative condition. I don’t think that requires any explanation. However, living with this disease also has a few silver linings, which I’m always looking out for. It’s immensely helpful to keep a positive mindset and cling to the things I actually have going…

We’re Not in Kansas Anymore

My husband and I moved into our old farmhouse in the mountains of North Carolina as 1995 wound to a close. Big-city Texans in a previous life, Randy and I were giddy at the thought of a quiet place void of traffic, crowds, mosquitoes, and oppressive summer heat. Our…

Taking Care of Ella Is a Full-time Job

Taking care of Ella is a full-time job. She needs help getting food and water, going to the bathroom, and moving around into various sitting positions. She needs help playing with toys, swinging on the swing, and going in and out of the house.

Witchcraft and Whimsy

Wicca kind of fell into my lap when I was about 12. Or maybe I fell into its lap. Who really knows with these things? I’ve always been what I’d consider a “Halloween girl.” Someone a bit more spooky and ethereal than I actually…

A Wildflower in the ‘Wheelderness’

We are all affected by changes that call for us to acclimate to the seasons of our lives. Year after year, a wildflower finds its place under the sun. Spry leaves will droop in heavy sorrow during the drenching spring rains. A sturdy stem will bend in summer whirlwinds that dishevel…

My Brother’s Earliest Memory of SMA Crushed Me

I recently asked my brother, Adam, what his earliest memories of SMA are. At the time of my diagnosis, he was only 2, but his sharp memory has served as a powerful tool whenever we’re reminiscing about our childhood. Adam has always been like that. Growing up,…

Striving for Contentment Amid Monotony

New life experiences are welcomed when you’re a columnist. I’ve already written about notable stories from my past, and I generally don’t enjoy sharing my two cents on current events. I don’t want to beat a dead horse, or perhaps more accurately, beat Dr. Phil with a reusable…

Ella Gets a New Therapist

Ella has been in therapy since before the day of her diagnosis with SMA. We knew she was late meeting many milestones, so we went to Early Intervention and started physical therapy. For every step forward, she took two steps back. We were dumbfounded. It…