
Henry Lets His Feelings Be Known

The title of this column is “Five Servings of Strength,” referring to the five members of our family. There’s me (Michael, the father), Lindsay (the mother), Ava (11), Henry (10), and Ella (8). We realized soon after Ella’s SMA diagnosis that it takes the whole family’s…

From Homebody to Road Warrior

I write a lot about defying the odds and being adventurous despite my disability. I’m not keen on being called an inspiration by people who don’t even know me, but nevertheless, I want to subvert the stereotype that every person in a wheelchair just sits…

When Vulnerability Is Harder Than Usual

I’ve always been a fan of vulnerability, I think because the concept is intrinsic to who I am as a person. I can’t leave the house without accepting vulnerability. To be seen like this, with my wheelchair and bony wrists and abdomen bloated from stomach breathing,…

What the Uphill Battle of Gaining Weight Feels Like

One of the most dreadful, ongoing battles I’ve experienced with my doctors in recent years is my inability to gain weight. At every appointment, during every procedure, and with every hospital stay come two words that, despite knowing they’re coming, still bring an awful sense of dread: “You’re…

Ella Helps Her Sister to Bake a Cake

Henry left the house in the evening to go to a friend’s house for a sleepover. As soon as her brother had departed, Ella began complaining that she never gets to do anything fun. Finding independent activities for Ella has proven to be a…

Dealing with My Pulmonary Function Tests

As a kid, there were two things I really couldn’t stand: math and pulmonary function tests (PFTs). I was too young and naive to have an angry fanboy mentality toward the “Star Wars” prequels. Math, however, didn’t coincide with my interests or adolescent…

Letting My Body Be a Body

Along with all my other health problems, I’ve been dealing with cystic acne since high school. At the time, I hoped it was nothing more than regular acne that would run its course and become a non-issue…

Finding Balance Between My Mind and Body

As I get set up to type this column, the rain is steadily falling from the window behind my couch. The house is quiet and the coffee is still warm. It is Sunday morning, my favorite part of the week. I love the slowness this weekly time brings,…

I’m Glad I’m Not SAD, but Other Setbacks Remain

For a couple weeks, I’ve been in a malaise and I couldn’t pinpoint the source of it. Of course, the occasional bad day will happen, but this was prolonged. Reading various columns and SMA News Today Forum comments has reminded me just how brutal winter is for…

Ella Shares Her Hopes of Walking in the Future

Ella is beginning to look to her future. She realizes that all of the hard work she puts into her physical therapy sessions will help her in the long-run. She accepts that the Spinraza (nusinersen) injections, which she doesn’t like taking, are also…