Kevin Schaefer,  —

Kevin Schaefer (he/him) is a writer, podcaster, and lover of all things pop culture. Diagnosed with SMA type 2 at the age of 18 months in 1995, he shares a vast array of hilarious and eye-opening stories from his life with a neuromuscular disability. He works as the associate director of community content for this site’s parent company, BioNews. He also hosts the SMA News Today Podcast. Kevin is a graduate of North Carolina State University and lives with his parents in Cary, NC. People regularly mistake him for Tony Stark, on account of his intellect and advanced technological equipment.

Articles by Kevin Schaefer

Research Advancements and Adults with SMA

On May 24, Zolgensma (previously known as AVXS-101) became the second FDA-approved treatment for SMA. This gene therapy from pharmaceutical companies AveXis and Novartis is a major milestone for the SMA community, as it follows Biogen’s groundbreaking treatment Spinraza (nusinersen)…

No Accessible Room at the Inn

I now know what it was like for Mary and Joseph when they were trying to find a room in Bethlehem. While we didn’t have to resort to sleeping in a manger, my parents and I had quite the adventure searching for an accessible hotel room in the…

Making Big Occasions Inclusive

When it came time to plan for my brother’s bachelor weekend festivities, I was adamant about participating as much as possible. Events like this aren’t always inclusive for people with disabilities, but the two guys who planned this weekend wanted to make it accessible for me. I knew…

Finding Comfort in the Absurd

Between frequent migraines, sleep deprivation, losing significant strength in my arm and upper body, and the universal growing pains of being a teenager, my high school experience came with plenty of challenges. There was also that time I mustered the courage to ask a girl…

About that Episode of ‘Dr. Phil’

A few weeks ago, reality television host Dr. Phil sparked a major controversy with his statements about interabled relationships. Much like Ken Jennings’s infamous 2014 tweet, a single statement from America’s favorite psychologist led to a social media movement for people with disabilities.

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