
Dreading the Bed: Sleep Brings Vulnerability

“So, do you sleep in your wheelchair?” Believe it or not, I have been asked this question more than a few times. Granted, I don’t recall hearing it after I finished middle school; but even then, the fact that any kid thought this was the case…

What Fuels Me Amid the Stress of Planning a Fundraiser

As I write this column, only 11 days are left before my nonprofit organization hosts its 10th annual gala for spinal muscular atrophy. Eleven. And while 11 has always been my lucky number, as I glance at my to-do list I’m reminded there really isn’t anything lucky about it…

Ella Spends Time with Extended Family

Ella had a fun-filled week. Her cousin and aunt came in from Virginia to spend some summer time with the Castens. Her other two cousins, who live in Chicago, also spent time with the family. Family outings can sometimes be a challenge. We have to make…

We’re Building a Deck so I Can Be Closer to Nature

We’ve finally had some decent weather. It has been rainy lately, which I thoroughly enjoy because I’m allergic (literally, not figuratively) to the burning orb in the sky that is the sun — both my skin and eyes react. But construction doesn’t happen when it’s raining, which…

The Wolf Finally Frees Up Its Schedule

I was the kid with 50 different diaries. Usually pink with sparkles. Bonus points if they came with their own bejeweled pen, because what 9-year-old girl doesn’t like rhinestones? The issue is that I never used them. People would buy me diaries…

Why I View My Life As a Deck of Cards

There’s a famous quote by Randy Pausch in his book “The Last Lecture“ that says, “We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.” My heart holds so much truth in this quote because I often envision my life with SMA like building a…

Diagnosis Day — and the Day After

Keeping up with the calendars around here can be dizzying. One desk calendar is reserved for scheduling jobs for our small carpet-cleaning business. Reminders to do one thing or a hundred dot almost every square on another. We have a reservation book for our cabin and a…

Ella Thrives at Summer Camp

The house went from quiet, clean, and calm to noisy, messy, and crazy in a matter of minutes. The kids are home from camp! Ava and Henry attended a camp called Covenant Harbor and Ella attended MDA Summer Camp. We purposely scheduled their camp…

Looking for the Good When I’m Feeling Run-down

It is July, the seventh month of 2019, and I am ready for this entire year to be done. I’m not joking. Something drastic and stressful has happened every month so far. Not with me — I’m fine — but I’ve had multiple family members become sick, and…