
SMA and Body Modifications: It’s My Choice

People often assume that disability prevents someone from being physically able to express themselves. Especially in the form of body modifications. They would be wrong. One of my favorite forms of artistic expression is body modifications, specifically tattoos. They’re my favorite! I started dyeing my hair in sixth grade. Since…

Ella Shows Empathy as She Encourages Her Friend

Ella has had several surgeries in the past seven years since her diagnosis of spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). Her first was for the placement of her G-tube. This device allows us to supplement Ella’s diet and administer her medications easily. Her second surgery was…

Welcome to ‘The Mermaid Chronic(les)’

Hello, everyone! My name is Kala, and I’d like to introduce you to the first installment of my column, “The Mermaid Chronic(les).” Mermaid stories have always been my favorite, whether they’re fairy tales or mythology. I love the wicked ones and the sweet ones. In almost every story, the mermaid…

How My Service Dog Helps Break Social Barriers

For those of you who don’t follow me on Instagram and see my absurd collection of pictures of my dogs, I have two retrievers named Wish and Vince. Vince, or Vince Charming as he’s affectionately called, is an English cream golden retriever and the family dog.

Henry Lets His Feelings Be Known

The title of this column is “Five Servings of Strength,” referring to the five members of our family. There’s me (Michael, the father), Lindsay (the mother), Ava (11), Henry (10), and Ella (8). We realized soon after Ella’s SMA diagnosis that it takes the whole family’s…